Product Brochure

Filing Different Metals
Different metals vary greatly in character and
properties. Some are softer than others, some are
more ductile, and so on. The nature of the metal has
to be taken carefully into account when choosing the
right file and applying it to the job. For instance, a soft ductile
metal requires a keen file and only light pressure must be applied
during filing if the work is not to be deformed. Conversely, a hard
and less ductile metal may require a file with duller teeth to avoid
them biting too deep and breaking off when pressure is applied.
When filing a material the user can normally feel whether or not
he or she is using the right file, and filing in the correct manner.
All things being correct, a smooth cutting action and a good clean
finish on the work is achieved. If there is stubborn resistance,
chances are the wrong file is being used, the file is damaged,
or the wrong method is being used.
Filing Rough Castings
Snagging castings and removing
fins, spurs, and other projections
is hard on normal files. Their
teeth are for fast cutting and do
not possess the ruggedness for
driving against hard projections
and edges. This filing engages
only a few teeth, thus putting a
strain on each. For such work, it
is better to use a Flat Aluminum
Type A File or a Half Round Bastard File with
sturdier teeth and heavy set edges to
resist shelling or breaking out.
Filing Die Castings
Like foundry castings, die
castings usually have sharp
corners, webs, fins, or
flashings which may damage
a normal file. In addition,
die castings consist of
magnesium, zinc, aluminum,
alloy, or similar combinations
of metal which have the
tendency to clog regular files.
Job by Job File Selector
Type: Description:
Die Shop Swiss pattern files of appropriate shape
Electric Connections
If surface is large, use Mill Bastard File,
otherwise use Tungsten Point File
Fender, Auto Bodifiles
Fiber Flat Bastard File or Rasp
Fine Work Swiss Pattern Files
Mill Bastard File. For Lathe Filing, use
Mill Bastard File or Long Angle Lathe File
Foundry Casting Flat Bastard, Mill File
Furniture, Making
Half Round File, Cabinet Rasp, or Mill
Bastard File
Garden Tool Home and Garden File
Square Bastard, Round Bastard,
Half-Round Bastard, or Slim Taper,
according to shape of groove
Hand Rubber Flat Bastard File
Hole Round Bastard File or Square Bastard File
Horse-Shoeing Horse Rasp, Plater’s Rasp
Hot Metal, Filing Flat Bastard File
Bastard-Cut File according to shape
of material
Joint, Mortise and
Half Round File or Cabinet Rasp
Key Way Square Bastard or Pillar File
Keys, Filing Warding Bastard File
Knife Mill File
Lathe-Turned Section Mill Bastard File or Long Angle Lathe File
Laminate File, Plastic File,
Mill Bastard File