User Guide

Download and Install Application
Download the appropriate app from the
App Store or Google Play Store and
install the application on your device.
Night Owl X HD
Night Owl X
7.1.6 (a) Using Night Owl X and Night Owl X HD
NOTE: Account setup is the same for phone and tablet.
Create an account using an email address
for the username and a password between
6–20 characters. This account allows the
user to login to Night Owl X and Night
Owl X HD.
Please note, this is NOT the login info
created for the NVR, this login is unique
to the Night Owl X and Night Owl X HD
apps. The NVR login should be stored on
page 7, step #2 of your QSG.
NOTE: Use correct app for compatibility.
To confirm your email address, click
the link in the confirmation email from
“Night Owl ( ”.
You MUST complete Step 3 before continuing! Go to your email, open the confirmation email
from Night Owl, and click the “Confirm Email” link. You MUST confirm your email to use the app!