User Manual

3.4 Operator's Manual WEE-1000
Polysomnography is an examination to measure the electrical signals in the body
during sleep. Many different activities are measured during a sleep study. The
basic measurement parameters are electroencephalogram (EEG), eye movement
(EOG), muscle activity (EMG), heartbeat (ECG), oxygen saturation (SpO
) and
respiration. These measurement parameters can help determine what is going on
during sleep. In addition to the basic measurement parameters, we can find the
cause of a sleep disorder by measuring the activity which is suspected to be
causing the sleep disorder
Parameter Electrode/Sensor
EEG Disk electrode
EOG Disk electrode
ECG Disk electrode
EMG Chin Disk electrode
Air flow TR-101A /TR-102A Respiration pickup
or Airflow sensor*
Chest/ Abdomen TR-111A/TR-112A Respiration pickup
or Effort sensor*
Periodic limb movements PLM sensor*
Snore Dynamic snoring microphone*
Sleep position Sleep position indicator*
Basic Measurement Parameters
* Pro-Tech Service Inc.
** Nonin Medical Inc., JL-101A SpO
sensor adapter is required.
The Acquisition program acquires the EEG/PSG waveforms and can display up to
64 channels of EEG/PSG waveforms. You can save the acquired waveforms with
the patient information, annotations, amplifier settings and display settings in a
hard disk or MO disk as an EEG data file. For the operation of the Acquisition
program, refer to the operator’s manual of the electroencephalograph.
The communication between the telemetry unit and the access point can be
checked on the Acquisition screen. You can also change the configuration settings
of the telemetry unit and access point on the Acquisition screen.
EEG Waveform Acquisition
About Polysomnography