User Manual

3.8 Operator's Manual WEE-1000
Monopolar Derivations Using Other Site Reference Electrodes:
Vx (Vertex reference derivation)
Mid-line central position Cz as the reference electrode.
AV (Average reference derivation)
The potential of all electrodes on the scalp, except for the extra electrodes, are
averaged point and used for the AV reference electrode.
If one or more of the electrodes in the AV electrode contain ECG artifact, or two
or more electrodes show simultaneous abnormal potentials, you need to exclude
any unstable electrodes.
The potential of A1 and A2 electrodes are averaged and used for the Aav
reference electrode.
Bipolar Derivation
Electrode pairs are connected to the G1 and G2 inputs of channels. The potential
difference between two electrodes is recorded on each channel.
Montage (Pattern)
Montage is the combination of derivations for all channels. The instrument
contains 36 patterns per set file and you can program a different montage and other
settings for each pattern.