User's Manual

12 Operator’s Manual ZM-520PA/521PA/530PA/531PA
Output Signal
Do not use the output signal from the receiving monitor as the synchronization signal
for other equipment such as IABP, MRI, echocardiography or defibrillator. There may
be time delay between the monitor and the other equipment caused by waveform
transmission delay and spike noise may interfere on the output signal and be
mistaken as a trigger.
Do not use NiMH batteries for this
transmitter. Some operating
environments may cause NiMH
batteries to produce gas and explode.
Battery replacement must be
performed by the operator. When
replacing the batteries of a transmitter
that is currently used for a patient,
disconnect the electrode leads from
the transmitter before replacing
batteries or do not touch the patient
during replacement.
When the transmitter is not in use,
remove the batteries. When the
batteries are installed, battery power is
consumed even when measurement is
not performed.
Do not handle the batteries with wet
Refer to the battery manual for details
on handling the batteries.
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