User's Manual

ii Operator’s Manual ZM-940PA/941PA
6. The instrument must receive expert, professional attention for maintenance and repairs.
When the instrument is not functioning properly, it should be clearly marked to avoid
operation while it is out of order.
7. Theinstrumentmustnotbealteredormodiedinanyway.
8. Maintenance and Inspection
(1) The instrument and parts must undergo regular maintenance inspection at least every 6
(2) Ifstoredforextendedperiodswithoutbeingused,makesurepriortooperationthatthe
instrument is in perfect operating condition.
(3) Technical information such as parts list, descriptions, calibration instructions or other
Kohden representative.
9. When the instrument is used with an electrosurgical instrument, pay careful attention to
the application and/or location of electrodes and/or transducers to avoid possible burn to
the patient.
from the instrument to avoid possible damage.