User's Manual

3 Getting Started
32 Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual
4. To save your changes, press the Save softkey. Alternatively, highlight the last
item for DSP3 and press
[ENT]. The DSP screens show the items you have
[MODE] key
Use the [MODE] key to change the keyboard mode for the current screen.
Changing input mode while entering points or codes
When the cursor is in a point (PT) or code (CD) field,
[MODE] to change the input mode between
alphanumeric (
A) and numeric (1).
The input mode indicator in the status bar changes to
show the current input mode.
Except for the (none) item, you cannot display the same item on more than one line of the same screen.
The items displayed in the DSP1, DSP2, DSP3, and DSP4 screens are also used in the corresponding Stakeout
screens (SO2, SO3, SO4, and SO5).
You can also customize the displayed items in Stakeout.
Header characters
The following header characters can be used in DSP screens:
A colon (:) indicates that tilt correction is applied to the value.
A hash symbol (#) indicates that tilt correction is off.
An underscore (_) under the tilt correction character indicates that Sea
Level Correction or Scale factor is applied.
When the cursor is in a height (HT) field, only numeric input mode is available. Pressing [MODE] has no effect
when the cursor is in a HT field.