User's Manual

3 Getting Started
38 Total Station Nivo Series Instruction Manual
If an item on the list has an arrow (->) beside it, this
item is a menu. If you highlight a menu item and then
[ENT], a sub-menu appears.
The first item on the sub-menu ends with the text
[MENU]. If you select this item, the whole menu is
assigned to the
[USR] key.
To assign a specific function from the sub-menu, press
[^] or [v] to highlight the function. Then press [ENT].
Once you have assigned a function to a
[USR] key, it is
called directly whenever you press that
[USR] key in the
[DAT] key
Use the [DAT] key to quickly access data in the current job from observation screens.
When you press
[DAT] in the BMS or in observation
screens in functions such as Stakeout, 2Pt RefLine, and
Arc RefLine, the assigned data in the current job
Hold down
[DAT] for one second in the BMS or an
observation screen to display the Select Format screen.
Use this screen to change the type of data that is
assigned to
[DAT]. Press [1] or select DAT [MENU] to
display the Data menu whenever you press
To change the type of data that is assigned to the [USR] keys in MENU >
1sec-Keys > [USR]. For more information, see [USR] key settings,
page 132.