User's Manual

4 Applications
62 Spectra Precision Focus 4 Total Station User Guide
6. Enter the station name, the height of instrument
(HI), and a feature code (CD) if required. The
station name defaults to the last recorded PT + 1.
7. Backsight (BS) defaults to the first point (P1). To
change the selected point, highlight the BS field
and then select the
Change softkey.
8. To finish the setup and record the station, press
[ENT] in the BS field.
Select this option to set up a station with known coordinates or azimuth.
1. Press
[2] or select Known in the Stn Setup menu.
2. Enter a point name or number in the ST field.
If the input point number or name is an
existing point, its coordinates are displayed
and the cursor moves to the HI (Height of
instrument) field.
If the point is new, a coordinate input screen appears. Enter the
coordinates for the point. Press
[ENT] after each field. When you press [ENT] in
the CD field, the new point is stored.
If the specified point has a code, the code appears in the CD field.
3. Enter the instrument height in the HI field and then press
4. In the Backsight screen that appears, select an input method for defining the
backsight point:
To sight the backsight by entering coordinates, see the following section.
To sight the backsight by entering the azimuth and angle, see page 64.