User's Manual

D Using Vibration Reduction: Notes
When using vibration reduction, press the shutter-release button
halfway and wait for the image in the viewfinder to stabilize before
pressing the shutter-release button the rest of the way down.
When vibration reduction is active, the image in the viewfinder may
jiggle after the shutter is released. This does not indicate a
Slide the vibration reduction mode switch to NORMAL for panning
shots. When the camera is panned, vibration reduction applies only
to motion that is not part of a pan (if the camera is panned
horizontally, for example, vibration reduction will be applied only to
vertical shake), making it much easier to pan the camera smoothly in
a wide arc.
Do not turn the camera off or remove the lens while vibration
reduction is in effect. If power to the lens is cut while vibration
reduction is on, the lens may rattle when shaken. This is not a
malfunction, and can be corrected by reattaching the lens and
turning the camera on.
If the camera is equipped with a built-in flash, vibration reduction will
be disabled while the flash charges.
In the case of cameras equipped with an AF-ON button, vibration
reduction will not be performed when the AF-ON button is pressed.
Select OFF when the camera is mounted on a tripod unless the tripod
head is unsecured or the camera is mounted on a monopod, in which
case ON is recommended.