User Manual

Although the PA is a tough
and durable camera bear in
mind that it is a precision
optical instrument and that
careless or rough handling
may damage it. Observe the
following tips and the FA will
always work as perfectly as
the day you bought it.
• Before using the camera, it
is a good practice to check it
thoroughly first.
• Never touch the reflex mirror
or the focusing screen, to pre-
vent them from becoming
scratched. Remove dust with
a blower brush.
• Do not touch the shutter
• Generally the camera does
not need lubrication.
• If the camera body is
exposed to rain or mist, wipe
moisture gently with a soft
cloth and dry the camera.
After using the camera near
salt water wipe it with a cloth
moistened with pure water to
remove possible traces of salt.
• If the inside of the camera
body accidentally gets wet, its
internal precision parts may
get rusty. Take the camera
right away to thc nearest
authorized Nikon dealer for a
checkup, which may require
repair payment.