Owner's Manual

Table Of Contents
144 Recording and Viewing Movies
Movies are indicated by a 1 icon in full-frame playback (0 152).
Press J to start playback; your current position is indicated by
the movie progress bar.
The following operations can be performed:
Viewing Movies
1 icon Length Current position/total length
Movie progress bar Guide
To Use Description
Pause Pause playback.
Resume playback when movie is
paused or during rewind/advance.
Speed increases with each press,
from 2× to 4× to 8× to 16×; keep
pressed to skip to beginning or end
of movie (first frame is indicated by h
in top right corner of monitor, last
frame by i).
If playback is paused,
movie rewinds or advances one
frame at a time; hold for continuous
rewind or advance.
Start slow-motion
Press 3 while the movie is paused to
start slow-motion playback.