User Manual

130 Menu List
Auto distortion control (defaults to On)
On Reduce barrel distortion when shooting
with wide-angle lenses and reduce pin-
cushion distortion when shooting with
long lenses (note that Off may not be
available with some lenses).
Flicker reduction shooting (defaults to Off)
On Reduce the effects of flicker under
fluorescent or mercury vapor lighting.
Metering (defaults to Matrix metering)
Matrix metering Choose how the camera meters light
levels to set exposure.
Center-weighted metering
Spot metering
Highlight-weighted metering
Flash control
Flash control mode Choose a flash control mode for
optional flash units and adjust settings
for remote wireless flash units. The
options available vary with the flash
unit or accessory used.
Wireless flash options
Remote flash control
Radio remote flash info
Flash mode (defaults to Fill flash)
Fill flash Choose the flash mode.
Red-eye reduction
Slow sync+ red-eye
Slow sync
Rear-curtain sync
Flash off
Flash compensation (defaults to 0.0)
−3.0 – +1.0 Adjust flash compensation.
Focus mode (defaults to Single AF)
Single AF Choose how the camera focuses.
Continuous AF
Manual focus