User Manual

85Shooting Controls
D The Memory Buffer
The camera is equipped with a memory buffer for temporary storage,
allowing shooting to continue while photographs are being saved to
the memory card. The frame rate will drop when the buffer is full (r00).
The approximate number of images that can be stored in the buffer at
current settings is shown in the exposure-count displays while the
shutter-release button is pressed halfway.
Monitor Control panel
While photographs are being recorded to the memory card, the
memory card access lamp will light. Depending on shooting
conditions and memory card performance, recording may take from a
few seconds to a few minutes. Do not remove the memory card or
remove or disconnect the power source until the access lamp has gone
out. If the camera is switched off while data remain in the buffer, the
power will not turn off until all images in the buffer have been
recorded. If the battery is exhausted while images remain in the buffer,
the shutter release will be disabled and the images transferred to the
memory card.