User Manual

56 Basic Settings
Wide-area AF (S)
The camera focuses on a point selected by the
user. Use with stationary subjects. The focus
points for Wide-area AF (S) are wider than those
for Single-point AF, while the focus points for
Wide-area AF (L) are wider than those for Wide-
area AF (S).
Wide-area AF (L)
h Auto-area AF
The camera automatically detects the subject and
selects the focus area. At default settings, the
camera gives priority to portrait subjects; if a
portrait subject is detected, the selected subject
will be indicated by a yellow border (if multiple
faces are detected, you can choose your subject
using the multi selector). Subject tracking (0 57)
can be activated by pressing the J button.
A Quick Focus-Point Selection
For quicker focus-point selection, choose Every other point for
Custom Setting a5 (Focus points used) to use only a quarter of the
available focus points (the number of points available for Wide-area
AF (L) does not change). If you prefer to use the sub-selector for focus-
point selection, you can choose Select center focus point for Custom
Setting f2 (Custom control assignment)> Sub-selector center to
allow the center of the sub-selector to be used to quickly select the
center focus point.
Option Description