User Manual

71Shooting Controls
A: Aperture-Priority Auto
In aperture-priority auto, you choose the
aperture while the camera automatically
selects the shutter speed that will
produce the optimal exposure. To
choose an aperture between the
minimum and maximum values for the
lens, rotate the sub-command dial.
Aperture can be locked at the selected
setting (0 146).
M: Manual
In manual exposure mode, you control both shutter speed and
aperture. Rotate the main command dial to choose a shutter
speed, and the sub-command dial to set aperture. Shutter speed
can be set to “×200” or to values between 30s and
8000s, or the
shutter can be held open indefinitely for a long time-exposure
(0 76). Aperture can be set to values between the minimum and
maximum values for the lens. Use the exposure indicators to
check exposure.
Shutter speed and aperture can be locked at the selected
Monitor Control panel
Shutter speed Aperture
Shutter speed Aperture
Control panel