Setting Guide(Sports AF Edition)

Recommended AF Settings by Event, Continued
Table TennisTable Tennis
Using 3D-tracking helps you frame shots with the net in the foreground.
Focus modeFocus mode AF‑C
AF-area modeAF-area mode 3D‑tracking
Custom SettingsCustom Settings
a1 AF‑C priority selection [Release]
BMX and SkateboardingBMX and Skateboarding
If you nd the subject hard to frame, selecting auto-area AF will allow
you concentrate on composition while leaving the camera in charge of
choosing the focus point. To focus on the rider when photographing
BMX events, select [People] for [AF subject detection options] in the
photo shooting menu.
Focus modeFocus mode AF‑C
AF-area modeAF-area mode Auto‑area AF
Custom SettingsCustom Settings
a1 AF‑C priority selection [Release]
a5 Store points by orientation [Focus point]
Motor SportsMotor Sports
To focus on drivers or riders near the vehicles, select [People] for [AF
subject detection options] in the photo shooting menu.
Focus modeFocus mode AF‑C
AF-area modeAF-area mode 3D‑tracking
Custom SettingsCustom Settings
a1 AF‑C priority selection [Release]
a5 Store points by orientation [Focus point]