User Manual

Here you can make the preferred settings for various phone features.
Date & Time
This is used to set the date and time formats for the phone display.
Time Format – choose from HH:MM am/pm (12-hour) or HH:MM (24-hour) modes;
Date Format – choose between DD/MM and MM/DD formats.
Choose among the operating languagesSimplified Chinese (中文), English, French (Français),
Spanish (Español), Portuguese (Portugués). Actual options may vary defending on the market.
Use this feature to make necessary illumination and contrast adjustments.
Backlight – you can choose how long the backlight will remain on while the phone is idle:
30, 20, or 15 seconds, or to deactivate the backlight.
Contrast – you can adjust the level of display contrast in a range of 0-100.
Greetings – you can set your own standby greetings.
Call Setup
This feature is used to set different call settings.
Any Key Answer – if activated, incoming calls will automatically be connected by
pressing any key on the key pad.
Minute Minder – activates or deactivates the one minute reminder beep during calls.
Call Divert – allows you to divert or forward incoming calls to a specified number, this
feature requires network support, please contact your operator.
--Divert All – diverts all incoming calls to a specified number.
--Divert if Busy – diverts incoming call to a specified number when your line is
--Divert if No Answer - diverts incoming call to a specified number when you
didn’t answer.
--Default Call Divert - diverts incoming call to a specified number if conditions
does not fit any of the above but the call cannot be established.
The following divert operations can be performed by pressing 左软键 after entering the
selected divert mode:
Activate: to activate the type of divert mode, press 左软键 to confirm, enter or
select the number where incoming calls will be diverted to, the phone will send
your settings to the network, and the network will reply with a confirmation
Deactivate: to deactivate the type of divert the phone will send your settings to the
network, and the network will reply with a confirmation message.
--Cancel All Diverts – to deactivate all set incoming call diverts.
Call Waiting – to activate or deactivate call waiting feature. If activated, the screen will
display incoming call information when there is an incoming call while you are on an
active call, you can choose if to accept the incoming call. This feature is also network