User's Manual

Details: display message details (same as Details below).
Delete: erase the message.
Activate Silent: turn off the key pad tone while editing.
Extract: extract the phone numbers
Help: helpful hints for using the SMS feature.
Reply…: compose a reply to the sender either as a completely new message
(Reply) or include the received message (Reply with history). It is the same as
composing a new message without the need to enter the recipient.
Forward: send the SMS to a third party.
Details: display details of the message such as From; Date; Subject.
Delete: erase the message.
Delete read: erase read messages.
Delete all: empty Inbox.
Call Back: dial the sender’s number.
¾ Tip: You may want to delete some unimportant messages from time to time. A
full Inbox will affect your phone’s ability to receive new messages and the
phone’s performance as well.
Function: Messages that are being sent or failed to be sent are kept and may be
accessed here.
Path: Menu
<Scroll and Select from Message List>
OK (to
Unsent messages may be viewed, edited or sent again here. Each type of
message is indicated by their respective icon.
The following options are available by pressing
when scrolled to an Outbox
MMS message:
View: display the MMS by pressing inside the message for options:
Restart: replay the MMS.
Modify: edit the MMS.
Details: display message details (same as Details below).
Delete: erase the message.
Extract: extract the objects in the message such as graphics or audio.
Send: send the message.
Help: helpful hints for using the MMS feature.
Send: send the message.
Details: display details of the message such as Subject; To; Date; Priority;
Request delivery Report.
Send All: send all messages in the Outbox.
Delete: erase the message.
Delete All: empty Outbox.
Modify: edit the message.