Inspiration Guide

4 Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks
Substitutions Better batter starts here
Any gluten-free measure
for measure flour substitute is a 1:1 swap.
RECIPE: Replace 3 eggs by combining 3 Tbsp
flaxseed meal and 9 Tbsp water and allow to sit
for 5 minutes. Then use as needed.
We recommend flax egg replacement.
Any milk substitute is a 1:1 swap.
Quick batter
For quick and easy batter, use your
favorite box mix.
Try mixes for brownies, cake, and
banana bread with Speciality setting.
Cleaning & handling
Make sure to set the shade
setting to o when you’re done
making all your waes.
To clean your wae maker, wait
until it has fully cooled, then
wipe down with a damp cloth.
Any debris should wipe right o.
Remove excess
batter tab at the top
before enjoying
your wae.
For the best texture,
don’t open the wae
maker until the LED
light turns green.
Always let the wae
maker preheat before
adding batter to avoid
any leakage.
We recommend using only
non-solid mix-ins, such as
powders and flavorings.
Don’t worry if you don’t see the top
of the batter inside the wae maker.
The wae will rise and spread
while cooking.
Do NOT put the unit in or near
water. For stuck-on batter, use
a non-metal utensil to loosen
residue, then wipe away.
Fill the cup anywhere between
the minimum and maximum fill
lines. We suggest starting by
filing to minimum fill line (
/4 cup)
and increasing the amount if your
waes come out incomplete.