User's Guide

4.6.5. Remove pasture via Bluetooth
Opt for the Remove pasture over Bluetooth option if you are in an area with poor or no mobile coverage,
or if you for other reasons are prevented from changing the pasture to No pasture the standard way.
This functionality should only be used if you need to take animals out of a pasture and you are prevented
from doing so by poor/no mobile coverage or other unforeseen reason.
Bluetooth connections work best over short distances and with few obstacles, so double check that all
selected collars have had their pasture removed before physically taking the animals out of the old
pasture area.
We recommend that you have the animals under control before removing the pasture, as this procedure
cannot be undone once the move has been confirmed. The collars will need to regain mobile coverage to
be able to load a new pasture.
Nofence AS User Guide - UK - 2021_en
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