Installation Guide

Inspect the Nokē Screen for tampering or damage at the end of the installation. Should the
device be damaged, or the screen cracked, immediately take it out of service. Only wipe the
Nokē Screen with a clean dry cloth, as needed. Never use liquids or harsh chemicals.
Always operate the Nokē Screen in a safe manner and in full compliance with this manual
and any applicable laws related thereto. No warranties express or implied are contained
herein. Nokē or Janus International is not liable for any injuries or damages to any
operators, property, or bystanders incurred as a result of using the Nokē Screen by its
Nokē or Janus International also cannot be held liable for any and all errors in this manual
or for any incidental or consequential damages that result for the use of the material
presented in this manual. This manual contains proprietary information belonging solely
and exclusively to Nokē and Janus International. All rights are reserved. No part of this
manual may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the
written consent of Nokē or Janus International.
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