Product Guide

Table Of Contents
RG Troubleshooting Counters
7.58 Overview
7.58.1 Purpose
This section describes the RG troubleshooting counters GUI procedures.
7.58.2 Contents
7.58 Overview 167
7.59 Viewing Residential Gateway (RG) troubleshooting counters 167
7.59 Viewing Residential Gateway (RG) troubleshooting counters
The Troubleshooting Counters feature enables service providers and end users to monitor the
performance of their broadband connection.
Tests are run to retrieve upstream and downstream throughput, latency, and DNS response time.
The Troubleshooting Counters window also displays upstream and downstream packet loss and
Internet status.
Click RG Troubleshooting→RG Troubleshoot Counters from the left pane in the GPON
Home Gateway page. The RG Troubleshoot Counters page displays.
Configure a G-2426G-A indoor ONT
RG Troubleshooting Counters
Draft Draft
September 2020
Issue 1 167
Nokia – Proprietary and Confidential
Use pursuant to applicable agreements