User Manual

Table Of Contents
Appendix overview
This appendix provides reference information about the MMDS frequency range.
MMDS stands for multichannel multipoint distribution service and is a system of
transmitting signals through microwave. MMDS represents frequencies in the 2.5
to 2.686 GHz band.
Although initially used to transmit video signals, MMDS has gone through
regulatory changes which allow licensees of the frequency range to engage in fixed,
two-way digital transmissions. The MMDS frequencies are ideally suited for
broadband delivery of data, voice, and Internet services.
Note that the MMDS band shares its range with the instructional television fixed
service (ITFS) band. ITFS makes up the A, B, C, D and G blocks. Each block
contains 4 channels. Blocks A through D occupy the contiguous space from 2500-
2596 MHz and the G block occupies space from 2644 to 2680 MHz, alternating
every other channel with the H block.
Although the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) did not auction licenses
for the ITFS frequencies, operators often lease the ITFS frequencies. These leases
are allowed as long as the operator transmits up to 40 hours of educational
programming per week. Sometimes, MMDS is referred to as wireless cable.