Users Manual Part 1

Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver Product Overview
The status LED behaves differently depending on whether the Nokia FastMile 4G
Receiver is managed from:
the Nokia Altiplano FastMile Controller (through NETCONF): see Table 9
an ACS (through TR-069): see Table 10
Table 9 Status LED behavior for Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver managed
from the Nokia Altiplano FastMile Controller
Table 10 Status LED behavior for Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver managed
from an ACS
Note — The NETCONF version of the FastMile 4G Receiver
for remote management from the Nokia Altiplano FastMile
Controller is not supported from FM 2.0.03a onwards
LED color LED priority LED behavior Status information
Blue First priority Blinking Bluetooth connection in progress
Solid Bluetooth connection established
Off No Bluetooth connection
Red Second priority Blinking Critical alarm
Solid Major or minor alarm
Off No alarm
Green Third priority Blinking twice per second Kernel and application start up
Blinking one per second Application start up
Solid Start up
Off OAM link is established
LED color LED priority LED behavior Status information
Blue First priority Blinking Bluetooth connection in progress
Solid Bluetooth connection established
Off No Bluetooth connection
Green Second priority Blinking twice per second Kernel and application start up
Blinking one per second Application start up
Solid Start up
Off Software is stable