Users Manual Part 1

Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver Product Overview Management using the Nokia Wireless app
Issue: 01 3TG-01505-AAAB-TCZZA 105
8 You can view the following information for a Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver managed by the
Nokia Altiplano FastMile Controller by selecting the Connection Status option of the main
screen and scrolling through the screen by swiping up or down:
LTE cell info:
connection state: Does the Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver connect to this cell
status: The current operational state of the PDN connection
EARFCN: The carrier frequency in the uplink and downlink is designated by the E-UTRA.
Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) in the range 0 - 65535.
PCI: The physical cellid of cell
Current signal stats:
RSRP: RSRP (Reference Signals Received Power) is a measurement of the received
power level in an LTE cell network in dBm
RSRQ: RSRQ (Reference Signals Received Quality) is a measurement of the received
power quality in an LTE cell network in dB
RSSI: RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) is a measurement of the power present
in a received radio signal by the Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver
SINR: SINR (the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise ratio) is used in the LTE network from
the Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver side to measure the quality of wireless connections in dB
Average signal stats:
RSRP: average value of Reference Signal Received Power (dBm) in the measured
interval, resolution 1dBm
RSRQ: average value of Reference Signal Received Quality (dB) in the measured
interval, resolution 1dB
RSSI: average value of Received Signal Strength indicator (dBm) in the measured
interval, resolution 1
SINR: average value of Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (dB) in the measured
interval, resolution 1dB
Other stats:
bytes sent: the total number of bytes sent on the interface
bytes received: the total number of bytes received on the interface
Figure 37 shows an example of the System state screen.