Product Info

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Management using the Nokia Wireless app
Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver Product Overview
8 You can view the following information for a Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver managed by an
ACS by selecting the Connection Status option of the main screen and scrolling through the
screen by swiping up or down:
LTE cell info:
connection state: Does the Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver connect to this cell
status: The current operational state of the PDN connection
EARFCN: The carrier frequency in the uplink and downlink is designated by the E-UTRA.
Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN) in the range 0 - 65535.
PCI: The physical cellid of cell
Current signal stats:
RSRP: RSRP (Reference Signals Received Power) is a measurement of the received
power level in an LTE cell network in dBm
RSRQ: RSRQ (Reference Signals Received Quality) is a measurement of the received
power quality in an LTE cell network expressed as a ratio
RSSI: RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) is a measurement of the power present
in a received radio signal by the Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver in dBm
SINR: SINR (the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise ratio) is used in the LTE network from
the Nokia FastMile 4G Receiver side to measure the quality of wireless connections in dB
Other stats:
bytes sent: the total number of bytes sent on the interface
bytes received: the total number of bytes received on the interface
Figure 47 shows an example of the System state screen.