Product Info

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Nokia FastMile 4G Gateway Product Overview
3TG-00743-ABEA-TCZZA Issue: 02
Procedure 3 Example of required substeps in a step
At step 1, you must perform a series of substeps within the step.
1 This step has a series of substeps that you must perform to complete the step. You must
perform the following substeps:
i This is the first substep.
ii This is the second substep.
iii This is the third substep.
2 You must perform this step.
1.11 Multiple PDF document search
You can use Adobe Reader Release 6.0 and later to search multiple PDF files for a
common term. Adobe Reader displays the results in a single display panel. The
results are grouped by PDF file, and you can expand the entry for each file.
Procedure 4 To search multiple PDF files for a common term
1 Open Adobe Acrobat Reader.
2 Choose EditSearch from the Acrobat Reader main menu. The Search PDF panel appears.
3 Enter the search criteria.
4 Click on the All PDF Documents In radio button.
5 Select the folder in which to search using the drop-down menu.
6 Click on the Search button.
Note — The PDF files in which you search must be in the same