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Nokia FastMile 4G Gateway Product Overview Management using the Web UI
Issue: 02 3TG-00743-ABEA-TCZZA 77
3 Configure the ALG parameters.
4 Click Save ALG.
5 Configure the DMZ parameters.
6 Click Save DMZ.
7 STOP. This procedure is complete.
Procedure 30 Configure access control level parameters
Use this procedure to configure access control level parameters for the Nokia FastMile 4G
Gateway. Note that the access control level takes precedence over the firewall policy configured
in Procedure 24.
Note that the trusted network object will be shared for all WAN connections; it is not applied
individually to a WAN connection.
1 If you are not already logged in to the Nokia FastMile 4G Gateway, log in as described in
section 13.2.
2 Select Security > Access Control from the top-level menu along the left side of the Nokia
FastMile 4G Gateway window.
3 Select a WAN connection from the drop-down menu.
4 Click to enable or disable Trusted Network.
5 Select an access control level for each of the protocols (ICMP, Telnet, SSH, HTTP, TR-069,
and HTTPS) for both the WAN side and the LAN side.
6 Click Save.
7 If required, add one or more subnet trusted networks; the maximum number of entries is 32.
You can also use the Source IP fields to delete a previously created entry for a subnet trusted
8 STOP. This procedure is complete.