Product Info

Table Of Contents
Nokia FastMile 4G Gateway Product Overview
3TG-00743-ABEA-TCZZA Issue: 02
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IP International Protection or Internet Protocol
IPTV Internet Protocol over Television
LAN Local Area Network
LED Light Emitting Diode
LTE Long-Term Evolution
MAC Media Access Control
MCV Maximum Concentration Value or Minimum Concentration Value
MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
MME Mobility Management Entity
NAC Network Access Control
NEC National Electrical Code
OAM Operations and Maintenance
OLCS On-line Customer Support
PCI Physical Cell Identifier
PCRF Policy and Charging Rules Function
PDF Portable Document Format
PIN Personal Identification Number
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
QCI QoS Class Identifier
QoS Quality of Service
QR Quick Response
RF Radio Frequency
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
RSRP Reference Signal Received Power
RSRQ Reference Signal Received Quality
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator
SIM Subscriber Identify Module