Cell Phone User's Guide

Copyright2003 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Home to return to the homepage of the WAP service.
Bookmarks. See page 142.
Call, Edit, Open row, Open, Open list to call, to key in text or to select a
highlighted item on the WAP page.
Add bookmark to save the WAP page as a bookmark.
View image or View images to view images and animations from the WAP
Go to address to key in the address of the WAP service you want to access.
Service inbox. See page 143.
Use wallet info and Close wallet. See Guidelines for paying for your purchases
with wallet on page 125.
Appear. settings. See Appearance settings of the WAP browser on page 141.
Cookies. See page 147.
Use detail to copy a number from the WAP page for saving or making a call. If
the WAP page contains several numbers, you can select the desired one.
Reload to reload and update the current WAP page.
Clear the cache. See The cache memory on page 144.
Security info to view security information about the current WAP connection
and the server.
Quit. See Ending a WAP connection on page 141.