User's Manual

Installing the Transceiver
Mounting the Transceiver
I n stall the tr an sceiv er so it is protected fr o m v ib r ation or sho ck .
Use d oub le- sid ed tap e o r Velcr o® to mou n t th e tr an sceiv er .
Positio n the tr an sceiv er wh er e it w ill not contact o ther so lid components.
Mo un t the tr an sceiv er aw ay fr om mov ing parts, sh ar p co r n er s, and p o ssible co n tamin an ts ( fu el, d ir t,
When possible, waterproof and protect the transceiver by wrapping it in foam rubber and placing it in a
rubber balloon or plastic bag. I f you accidentally get moisture or fuel inside the transceiver, intermittent
or erratic operation may result.
Po sitio n th e tr an sceiv er so th e sensor s can be easily co nn ected to it.
Th e thin n er portion at the en d o f the antenna w ir e must be outside th e v eh icle body
DO NOT CUT the antenna wire
Connecting the Transceiver
Ser vo I nput Plugs
The tr an sceiv er is d esigned to use Fu tab a J- sty le in pu t plugs
with wiring order as shown in the diagram.
Servo lead wires MUST be in this order. I f the servo wires are
in a different order, you must re-order the wires in the input
plug . Ch eck w ith y ou r serv o man u factur er ab ou t th e co lor an d
order of the servo lead wiring.
W hen you in ser t th e ser vo in put plu g in to th e tr an sceiv er , no te
th at th e in p ut p lu g may h av e an alig n men t tab. Orien t th e
alignment tab properly before inserting the input plug.
To r emov e in in pu t p lu g from th e tr an sceiv er , pu ll th e in p u t
plug rath er th an th e serv o w ir es.
Servo Connect ion
Connect the servos to the appropriate positions in the transceiver:
Connect into t r ansceiver r eceptacle
Receiv er batter y Pow er
Steer ing ser vo Steer ing
Thro ttle ser v o or ESC Th rottle
Shifting servo Shft/CH3