User's Manual

The position of the pointer on the bar is affected by t he steering end point values (left
and right) and t rim sett ing; increasing the right end point value may visually appear t o
have the same effect as decreasing the left end point value.
Adjusting the Right End Point
The right end point value is a relative value, and is expressed as the percentage of full travel
to the right. For example, setting the right end point value to 50allows the steering servo to
turn only 50% of full travel to the right.
Use the navigation controls to adjust the right end point as follows:
1. A ccess the to p fun ction men u
fr om the d r iv ing screen.
me nu
2. Nav ig ate to th e St eer ing ( Ch1 )
or : then
3. Nav ig ate to Right End Point.
Value Descr iption
Min imum r ig h t end po in t; allo w s NO tu rnin g
mo tio n to th e r ig h t.
1- 99
Rig h t en d p o int sett in g is set to a per cen tage of
full right-turning range. For example, a value of
50 gives 50% of full right-turning range.
4. Ch ange th e v alue.
Maximum right end point; allows FULL right-
turning range.
Trim and EPA I nt eract ion
A trim ( o r sub - trim) settin g of 10 0 i s eq u iv alen t to an End Po in t settin g of 20.