User's Manual

St eering Speed
Steering speed allow s you to limit t he maximum speed
that the steering servo w ill be driven to match your
movements on the wheel. There are three parameters
t hat can be adjusted to precisely set up your limit ing.
Trigger set s the minimum amount of cont rol input
before the speed limit er becomes act ive. At 0% ,
limit ing is alw ays act ive (input is alw ays > = 0%). At
5 0 % , lim it in g is o n ly act ive if t he w he e l is t u rne d half
way or more.
Input speed determines the limited speed that is
applied to mot ions aw ay from center t hat are above t he
t rigger sett ing. 100 is maximum servo movement rate.
1 is minimum r at e. Default is 100 ( full speed)
Re t u rn sp eed det e rmin e s t h e lim it e d spee d t h at is
applied to mot ions back tow ard center t hat are above
t he t rigger sett ing. 100 is maximum servo movement
rat e. 1 is minimum rat e. Default is 100 (full speed)
Changing t he St eering Speed
Use the navigation controls to change the steering servo type as follows:
1. A ccess the to p fun ction men u
fr om the d r iv ing screen.
me nu
2. Nav ig ate to th e St eer ing ( Ch1 )
or : then
3. Nav ig ate to Steer ing Speed.
Value Descr iption
The percentage of full speed applied to servo
mo tio n aw ay fr o m cen ter on ce th e tr ig g er
amo u nt h as been exceeded.
4. Ch ange th e v alues.
The percentage of full speed applied to servo
mo tio n to w ard cen ter on ce th e tr ig g er amou n t
has been exceed ed.
The th r eshold abov e w hich speed limitin g w ill
be applied.
I nt eract ion w ith ot her paramet ers
Servo Speed is applied after Expo. The t rigger level for Servo Speed refers t o t he curved input