User's Manual

Steering (Ch1)
Throttle (Ch2)
Shift (Ch3)
Brake End Point
On th e driv in g scr een ,
the b r ak e end p oin t is
r epresented by th e
len g th o f th e b ar to
th e left o f th e p o in ter
on the middle bar.
Th e gr eater the left
len g th o f th e b ar , the
greater the br ak e end
poin t v alu e.
The position of the
pointer on the bar
is affected by end
point setti ngs
( throttle and
brak e) and tr im
Changing t he brake end point value has t he follow ing visual effect on t he driving screen bars.
Brak e end point v alu e is approximately the same as the throttle end
poin t v alu e.
I n cr eased b r ak e end point v alue ( mor e serv o trav el fo r BRAKI NG is
Decr eased br ak e end point v alu e ( less ser v o tr av el fo r BRAKI NG is
The posit ion of t he pointer on the bar is affected by end point sett ings (t hrott le and
brake) and t rim setting; increasing the brake end point value may visually appear to
have the same effect as decreasing the throttle end point value.