User's Manual

Model Management
T he fo llo w in g illu st rat io n sh ow s t he fu n ct ion men u st ruct u re fo r t he m od e l m an age m ent
funct ions:
Manage Models
Active Model
New Model
Delete Model
Copy Mo de l
Active Model
The Sensor can st ore all sett ings for up to eight
vehicles. The Act ive Model function is used to select
t he mo de l t o be use d.
W hen binding w it h a t ransceiver in a vehicle, you
must first select the active model to identify the
When preparing to operate a vehicle, select the
active model, then turn on the vehicle and Sensor.
The Sensor searches for the transceiver with the
VIN associated with the selected active model.
For more inf ormat ion, see T he Binding Process
e arlie r in t h is man u al.
Select ing t he Act ive Mod el
Use t he n avig at io n co nt ro ls t o se lect t he act ive mo de l as f o llo w s:
1. A ccess the to p fun ction men u fr o m the d r iv ing
scr een .
me nu
2. Nav ig ate to th e Manage Models menu.
or : then
3. Nav ig ate to Active Model.
4. Select th e activ e mo del.