User's Manual

Connecting the Sensor to your Computer
To connect your Sensor t o your comput er, do t he follow ing:
1. Plug the small end of the supplied adaptor cable into the receptacle on the left side of
the Sensor.
2. Plug the other end of the cable into an available USB port on your computer.
Yo u r co m put e r w ill re cog n ize t he Se n so r as b e in g con ne ct e d via a n ew se rial
communications port.
Using the Sensor Digital RC Desktop
To start the RC Desktop
From the START menu, click (All) Programs, Nomadio Digital RC D esk top,
th en Nomadi o Digital RC Desk top.
To make changes to the
Nav ig ate th r ou gh th e fu n ction s of the RC Desk top, and mak e ch ang es as
appropriate to global settings, or to settings for individual models.
To open a saved settings file
From the File menu, click Open.
To save the current settings
into a file
From the File menu, click Save.
To receive the current
settings from the Sensor
1. Connect the Sensor to your computer.
2. Turn on the Sensor.
3. From the File menu, click Receive Settings fr om Sensor .
To send the RC Desktops
current settings to the Sensor
1. Connect the Sensor to your computer.
2. Turn on the Sensor.
3. From the File menu, click Send Settings to Sensor .
To install the latest firmware
i n to th e Sen so r
1. Connect the Sensor to your computer.
2. Turn on the Sensor.
3. From the Firmware menu, click I nstall Latest Fir mw ar e.
To install firmware from a file
i n to th e Sen so r
1. Connect the Sensor to your computer.
2. Turn on the Sensor.
3. From the Firmware menu, click I nstall Fir mw are from File.
To update the RC Desktop to
the latest version
From the Help menu, click Sof tw ar e Updates.