User's Manual

Steering Dual Rate
Steering dual rate adjusts the range of
servo movement when the steering
wheel is fully turned in either the left
or right direction. This is used to
increase or decrease the steering
sensitivity across the entire servo
range. The steering dual rate value is
applied to both left and right sides,
and is expressed as a percentage of
servo range (configured by end point
Steering (Ch1)
Throttle (Ch2)
Shift (Ch3)
Dual Rate Range
On the driving screen,
steering dual rate range is
represented by the solid
length of the upper bar.
The total length of the bar
(solid and dotted)
represents the servo
range. The length of the
solid bar represents the
range set by the dual rate
As you change the dual rate setting it is shown graphically on the driving screen trim indicator
Full servo range is used.
Lower dual rate value reduces servo range.
Adjusting Steering Dual Rate using the Function Menu
Use the navigation controls to adjust steering dual rate as follows:
1. Access the top function menu
from the driving screen.
2. Navigate to the Steering (Ch1)
or : then
3. Navigate to Dual Rate.
Value Description
0 Steering servo range is set to minimum (0% ).
Steering servo range is set to a percentage of
full range.
For example, value 50 gives 50% of full
servo range.
4. Change the value.
100 Steering servo range is set to full (100% )