Product Manual

Operating the Avant 9600
Option Switches
The Avant 9600 contains eight option switches located under the back cover (See “Installing
the Batteries” for instructions on removing the back cover). The device is supplied with all
option switches in the DOWN position.
Patient Security
To access patient Security Mode, press
and hold both the Alarm Limits and Time/
Date buttons for five seconds; either 111
111(enabled mode, Green LEDs), or
“000 000”, (disabled mode, Amber LEDs)
will be displayed.
To change Patient Security Mode, press
the Volume button while the mode is
displayed. The new Patient Security
mode (Enabled or Disabled) is then
displayed in amber on the Numeric
Serial Output
Simultaneously press and hold both the
Time/Date and Volume buttons for three
seconds. Adjust the serial output rate
with the Plus and Minus buttons.
Table 6: Option Switches
Switch Function
Switch 1 Alarm Disable
Up—Alarm volume may be disabled
Down—Alarm volume cannot be set to zero (disabled)
Switch 2 Normal / Slow SpO
Up—Slow Averaging (8 beat exponential average)
Down—Normal Averaging (4 beat exponential average)
Switch 3 Alarm Unlocked / Locked
Up—Alarms Locked
Down—Alarms Unlocked
Switch 4 Factory / User-Defined Defaults
Up—User-Defined Defaults for Alarm Limits and Volume Settings
Down—Factory Defaults for Alarm Limits and Volume Settings
Table 5: Advanced Functions (Continued)
Function Button Action