User's Manual

4. PIANO | 11
Grand Acoustic and electric grand pianos
Upright Upright pianos
Electric Electric Pianos (tine and reed based)
Clav/Hps Clavinets and Harpsichords
Digital Digital piano and Layer piano sounds
Misc Miscellaneous sounds, such as mallet instruments
Use the PIANO SELECT dial to choose a piano sound within the selected
The triangular Piano Select LEDs indicate the type of the currently se-
lected piano model. The name of the selected model is shown in the
bottom area of the Program area display, indicated by a keyboard icon..
On the original Clavinet D6, different pick-up combinations were select-
ed by pressing a number of rocker switches. This functionality is faithfully
simulated by the Nord Grand, which means that all original Clavinet D6
pickup selections are available.
Clav Model A: Only the “neck” pick-up; a warmer, less bright sound.
Clav Model B: Only the “bridge” pick-up; a bright sound.
Clav Model C: Both pick-ups on and in phase; a very full sound.
Clav Model D: Both pick-ups 180 degrees out of phase; the fundamen-
tal is almost cancelled out and the sound becomes thin.
Pressing SHIFT and turning the PIANO SELECT dial activates the LIST
view for piano sounds.
The Piano list top row displays the current type name (“Grand” in this
case), the number of available models of that type (10), and the index of
the currently selected model (3).
The Piano Select button can be used when in list mode as well, to in-
stantly switch between different piano types.
Pianos from the Nord Piano Libary typically have a very
wide dynamic range, and their dynamic response can
be adjusted according to what fits your preferences or
the context of your performance.
The NORMAL setting represents a “middle ground” setting where both
soft and strong levels are accessed with relative ease.
The HEAVY setting simulates a heavier piano action, where more effort is
required to play strongly
The LIGHT setting simulates a lighter piano action where strong levels
are reached with only little effort.
String Resonance refers to the acoustic phenomenon that occurs when
strings, or parts of strings, resonate at their fundamental or harmonic
frequencies when other strings are played.
When STRING RES is turned on, all notes you play will affect each other
to reproduce the wonderful acoustics that occur inside an acoustic
grand or upright piano. This effect is referred to as sympathetic string
When the sustain pedal is pressed down, the fact that all dampers are
being lifted will further add to the resonance effect. For this purpose
dedicated pedal down samples come into use. The range for which
these are available depends on the size of the selected piano. See the
table on the previous page for more details.
The sound level of the sympathetic string resonance effect can be set in
the Sound menu, see page 22.
M If a piano is selected that is not compatible with the String Reso-
nance feature, this function will be disabled. This applies e.g. to
small (Sml) versions of the grand pianos and uprights, and the
electric, digital and layer pianos.
Activating SOFT RELEASE will add a slightly longer and less pronounced
release to the piano sound. This is equivalent to what happens when
you adjust the damper tension in an acoustic or an electromechanical
instrument. The added release is individual for every note and responds
dynamically to the force with which you play.
M Some Piano types, such as Clavinets and Harpsichords do not
support the Soft Release feature. In these cases the button will be
The included Nord Triple Pedal enables the following features:
The PEDAL NOISE feature recreates the mechanical noise that occurs
when operating the damper pedal on an acoustic piano. The noise level
dynamically adjusts to the force with which the sustain pedal is pressed.
The pedal noise level can be set in the Sound menu, see page 22.
Piano Grand 3/10
1 Royal Grand 3D XL
2 Velvet Grand L
3 Grand Imperial L
4 Silver Grand L
5 Studio Grand 2 Med
The list itself shows the currently selected model,
indicated by a rectangle, as well as the preceding
and following models.