User's Manual

All morphable parameters are equipped with some means of indicating
that a morph has been assigned to it, or that a morph is being per-
formed. These are the three different types of indications used:
The LEVEL controls of the Organ, Piano and Synth
sections feature a rotary LED encoder. These pro-
vide a clear indication of the morph start and end
points as the morph is set up, and allow the control
to display its current value at all times as a morph
is being performed.
Most morphable parameters are equipped with a
“morph LED” which will be lit with a green light after a
morph source has been assigned to the parameter.
If a drawbar has been selected as a morph destination, the drawbar
LEDs will adjust accordingly as a morph is being performed (except on
the Nord Stage 3 Compact model, which uses physical drawbars in-
stead of drawbar LEDs).
Hold SHIFT and press a MORPH ASSIGN button to clear all Morphs for
this source within the focused panel. To clear a particular assignment,
hold the Morph Assign button and operate the control to remove the
“gap” between the programmed setting and the Morph setting.
The Master Clock allows you to synchronize the Arpeggiator, the Synth
LFO, the Delay and Effects 1 Rate in the Nord Stage 3. Not only can
these be made to run in sync with each other; different subdivisions
can be set for all synced components, allowing for some great rhythmic
Tap the MST CLK button a minimum of four times to set a tempo,
expressed in BPM (beats per minute). Keep tapping the button to further
refine the tempo setting if needed.
Press CLOCK (Shift + Mst Clk) to bring up the Master Clock tempo and
settings page. Use the PROGRAM dial to set the tempo. Press EXIT
(Shift) when finished. The set tempo will be stored with the program, as
long as a Store operation is performed.
M Pressing down on the MST CLK button opens the Master Clock
tempo page while the button is pressed down, as indicated by the
6“ symbol.
When the Master Clock tempo is set, you can select a subdivision of
that tempo for the various functions that can be synchronized to the
Master Clock. Any changes you make to the Master Clock tempo will be
followed by all the functions in the Stage 3 that are synchronized to it.
The subdivisions are described in greater detail in the sections covering
each syncable function, the Synth LFO and arpeggiator, Effect 1 and
The Master Clock on the Stage 3 can be controlled by incoming MIDI
clock messages. This is an automatic behavior: As soon as the Stage 3
receives MIDI clock on the MIDI input or the USB MIDI input, the Master
Clock will be synchronized to the incoming external clock.
When the Master Clock is locked to an incoming clock, “external” will be
shown in the display if MST CLK is pressed, together with the incoming
tempo in BPM.
On the Master Clock tempo/settings page, Keyboard Sync behavior can
be selected by pressing the KBS soft button.
Off: When set to Off the Clock is not reset by playing the keyboard.
On: When set to On the Clock is reset after lifting all keys and then
playing the keyboard again.
Soft: When set to Soft the Master Clock will only be reset if waiting
longer than one quarter note (in relation to the current tempo) to play the
keyboard, after all keys have been lifted.
The Nord Stage 3 can be transposed in semitone
steps on a per-program basis, with a range of +6/-6
semitones. Hold the Transpose button and set the
transposition by turning the Value Dial. Press the
Transpose button again to de-activate a transposition.
Transpose settings are saved and recalled as part of a program, and
always affect both panels of a program.
To set up a transpose that affects all programs, use the Global
Transpose parameter in the System Menu.
The PROG INIT (Shift + Transpose button) functions can be used to
quickly initialize the active panel to one of four basic set-ups, which
serve as good starting points when creating new programs:
Org (Organ): Activates the Organ section, and sets Source to Organ for
all effects. Other sound engines and the other panel are deactivated.
OrgSp (Organ Split): Activates the Organ section on both panels and
sets Source to Organ for all effects. KB Split is turned on, with Organ
A to the left and Organ B to the right of the split point. All other sound
engines are deactivated.
Piano: Activates the Piano section and sets Source to Piano for all
effects. All other sound engines, as well as the other panel, are deacti-
Synth: Activates the Synth section and sets Source to Synth for all
effects. Other sound engines and the other panel are turned off.