User's Manual

9. EFFECTS | 47
The filters in the delay FILTER section are great tools for shaping the delay sound, especially when
large feedback amounts are used. Each consecutive Delay tap is fed through the filter, resulting in
a progressively more processed sound.
With the LP setting, all delay taps are passed through a Low Pass filter which reduces high fre-
quency content in the delay feedback signal.
The HP setting provides a High Pass filter, removing low frequency content. This can be useful for
making long delay tails sound less muddy.
The BP setting adds a Band Pass filter to the delay signal. This will remove both high and low
frequencies, making for a fairly thin and narrow sound.
There are two different delay modes, the normal (“non-analog”) mode, and the Analog Mode,
which is activated by pressing ANALOG MODE (Shift + Filter). In Analog Mode the pitch of any
sounding repeats is altered if the tempo is changed – much like with a vintage analog delay.
What’s more, the exact character of each feedback Filter setting differs slightly from when in
“non-analog” mode. In Analog Mode a slight distortion is also introduced into the delay line with
each tap – especially noticeable with larger feedback amounts.
The Master Clock feature for the Delay section is activated by turning MST CLK (Shift + Tempo
knob). This way the delay will be synced to the tempo set for the Master Clock, in the Program
section. See page 26 for instructions on how this tempo is set.
The Delay tempo will now be expressed in subdivisions of the Master Clock tempo, ranging from
1/2 to 1/32 notes. Apart from straight subdivisions/delay taps there are also swing (S), triplet (T)
and dotted (D) options to choose from.
The AMP SIM / EQ effects unit combines a three-band equalizer with sophisticated amplifier
and speaker cabinet simulations. It also includes resonant 24 dB low-pass and high-pass filters,
which can be used to great effect with any sound engine. When no Amp Model or filter is select-
ed, the Amp Sim / EQ section provides a neutral EQ and tube style overdrive.
The morphable DRIVE provides a tube style overdrive effect or, if an Amp model is selected,
controls the amount of overdrive for the particular Amp model selected. If the Drive LED is lit, it
indicates that overdrive is active.
This is a 3-band equalizer which features bass, sweep-able midrange and treble controls. The
BASS frequency is 100 Hz, the TREBLE frequency is 4 kHz and the morphable MID frequency can
be set between 200 Hz to 8 kHz, using its FREQ knob. The boost/cut range is +/- 15 dB.
The LP24 filter is a resonant 24 dB per octave low-pass filter which can be applied to any of the
three sound engines; Organ, Piano or Synth. Use the morphable FREQ knob to adjust the cutoff
frequency of the filter, and the RES knob to set the amount of resonance around the cutoff point.
The DRY WET control is used for setting the balance between unfiltered and filtered sound.
The HP24 filter is a resonant 24 dB per octave high-pass filter which can be applied to any of the
three sound engines; Organ, Piano or Synth. The morphable FREQ knob adjusts the cutoff fre-
quency of the filter, and the RES knob controls the amount of resonance around the cutoff point.
The DRY WET control is used for setting the balance between unfiltered and filtered sound.