User's Manual

10. MIDI | 51
For yet another degree of integrated control, the Extern encoder can be
controlled by the mod wheel, aftertouch or a control pedal, by setting up
a Morph.
Just like other panel sections, the A/B Extern panels are completely
independent from one another and can be programmed to do different
things on the same or different zones at the same time.
M If the on-panel Transpose feature is used, the MIDI output from the
Extern section will be transposed.
There are several options available if you wish to use a second keyboard
or other MIDI device to control the Nord Stage 3. Let’s have a look at
the Dual KB feature first.
With this function it is possible to use an external keyboard for playing
the sound set up on Panel B, or only one of the Panel B sound engines.
Dual KB settings are stored per program which makes it an ideal feature
for live usage.
A more complete overview of Dual KB is found in the Program chapter,
on page 28 but here is a basic example of how to set it up, in this
case controlling the Panel B Organ section:
1 Press down on DUAL KB (Shift + Panel B button) and select Organ.
Letting go of the buttons will leave Dual KB turned on.
2 Connect an external MIDI keyboard to the MIDI In jack of the Nord
Stage 3.
3 Set the Dual KB MIDI channel to that of the transmitting MIDI de-
vice, from the Nord Stage 3 MIDI menu. The default setting is MIDI
channel 16.
4 Activate the Organ on Panel B of the Nord Stage 3. All other sound
engines within both Panel A and B are controlled as usual from the
Nord Stage 3.
E If the Stage 3 is transposed using the Panel Transpose, the
incoming MIDI on the Dual KB channel will also be transposed –
regardless of how the “Transpose MIDI at” setting is configured in
the MIDI menu.
A second option for controlling parts of the Stage 3 from a external de-
vice would be to use its Panel MIDI capabilities, allowing for addressing
each panel (A and B) on different MIDI channels. Both Panels can still be
controlled “locally” from the Nord Stage 3 keyboard if desired.
To set this up, assign Panel A and B one MIDI channel each within the
MIDI menu, accessed by pressing MIDI (Shift + Program 3 button).
The third option for controlling the Nord Stage 3 via MIDI is by using the
Global MIDI functionality. If the transmitting MIDI channel of an external
device is the same as the Nord Stage 3 Global MIDI channel, playing the
external unit will be very similar to playing the Nord Stage 3 from its own
M Global MIDI can be turned Off in the MIDI menu. This will disable
both transmission and reception of MIDI from the Global compo-
The Master Clock of the Stage 3 can be controlled by incoming MIDI
clock messages. This is an automatic behavior: As soon as MIDI clock
is received on the MIDI In or USB MIDI input, the Rate setting for the
Master Clock will be synchronized to the incoming external clock.
When the Master Clock is locked to an incoming clock, “external” will be
displayed on the Master Clock page (accessed by pressing down on
the MST CLK button) along with the incoming tempo in BPM.
When an external device transmits MIDI notes to the Stage 3 and the
Extern section is active, incoming MIDI notes can be re-routed to the
MIDI Output of the Stage 3, on the MIDI channel that is set for the
Extern section. This allows you to control one external device from an-
other external device. The incoming notes have to be on the same MIDI
channels as set in the Stage 3 for the Panel A or Panel B MIDI channel
setting or the Global MIDI channel setting. The Extern menu Soft Thru
setting must also be On.
Here is how to record a Stage 3 performance just as you would play it
from the unit - with all the pedal actions, morphs and other actions to a
DAW or MIDI sequencer. This is best achieved by using the Global MIDI
1 Set the DAW or sequencer track to route back incoming MIDI on
the Global Channel.
2 Set Local in the MIDI menu to Off on the Nord Stage 3
3 Select the Program on the Nord Stage 3 that you wish to use.
4 Start the recording on the sequencer.
The MIDI output on the Global channel will not care about any splits; it
will produce MIDI note numbers from the entire Stage keyboard.
M If any Transpose value is applied, either by the on-panel Transpose
function or the Global Transpose setting in the System menu, its
effect on MIDI depends on the “Transpose MIDI at” setting in the
MIDI menu. This setting is further described on page 56.
The following MIDI messages can be transmitted and received by the
Nord Stage 3:
• Note On and Note Off messages are transmitted and received.
• Pitch Bend messages are transmitted and received.
From the MIDI Menu (see page 56), it can be determined whether the