User's Manual

Nord Stage 3 should transmit and/or receive Control Change messages.
• If a Control/Expression pedal is connected to the Organ Swell Input,
this is transmitted and received as Controller 4.
• If a Control/Expression pedal is connected to the Control Pedal Input,
this is transmitted and received as Controller 11 (Expression).
• If a sustain pedal is connected to the Sustain Pedal Input, this is trans-
mitted and received as Controller 64 (Sustain Pedal).
• Almost all other controls (knobs and buttons) on the front panel are
also transmitted and received as Control Change messages. This can
be used for recording front panel actions into a MIDI sequencer. For a
full list of which parameters correspond to which Controller number,
refer to page 60.
The Nord Stage 3 can transmit and receive Keyboard Velocity messag-
es. Organ sounds will always be played back at nominal level regardless
of incoming MIDI Velocity data. Release velocity is transmitted, but
ignored on MIDI In.
The Nord Stage 3 keyboard can transmit Aftertouch messages (some-
times referred to as channel pressure). This is done by applying more
pressure on a key while it is held down, which generates a signal that
can be used to control parameters.
Program Change messages are used both for the Program and Song
banks, as well as for Synth Presets and Live programs, and are identi-
fied by which Bank MSB number is being used. Changing Programs,
Songs, Synth Presets and Live programs respectively on the Nord Stage
3 will send Program Change messages according to the table below –
as long as Program Change is set to be sent in the MIDI menu that is.
The implementation is designed such that one MIDI LSB bank ad-
dresses as many Nord Stage 3 banks as possible, given the number of
programs within each bank. As a result, program banks A-E on the Nord
Stage 3 are all reached with a Bank LSB (and MSB) value of 0, banks
F-J with Bank LSB 1, and so on.
Program Song Synth Preset Live
Bank MSB (CC#0) 0 1 2 6
Bank LSB (CC#32) 0-3 0-3 0-3 0
Program Change 0-124 0-99 0-99 0-4
A received Program Change message addressing a Program or Song
respectively will focus Program or Song mode on the Nord Stage 3
accordingly. A message addressing a Synth Preset will select that Synth
Preset for the Synth section but will not activate the Synth section, if it is
currently turned off.
M A Program Change message that reaches the Nord Stage 3
unaccompanied by Bank Select messages will take effect in the
currently selected Program or Song bank.
In the MIDI Menu, you can select if the Nord Stage 3 should send and/
or receive program Change messages on the Global channel. See page
56 for further details.
If you want to transmit program change messages to external units
without altering the state of the Nord Stage 3, use the Program
Change feature of the Extern section.
Local Off can be used to “disconnect” the keyboard and the panel on
the Nord Stage 3 from its sound engines. Turn Local Off if you experi-
ence “double-triggered” notes when you play; both from the keyboard
internally and via the MIDI “loop”. Local On/Off is set in the MIDI menu,
which is described on page 56.
If you experience hanging notes when using the Nord
Stage 3 in a MIDI setup, or if all current sound should
be terminated for some other reason, use the PANIC
(Shift + Piano TIMBRE) function. This will execute an
internal “All Notes Off” message, and reset incoming
CC messages.