User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Hardware description
Figure 24: Low-power and high-G accelerometers schematic
When Nordic Thingy:91 is in low-power sleep mode, any user interaction will be detected by the low-
power accelerometer. The accelerometer has an SPI interface and it can detect motion on three axes. By
default, the INT2 line of the accelerometer is not connected to nRF9160. If you want to use the INT2 line,
solder SB6.
For detecting shocks, Nordic Thingy:91 uses a high-G accelerometer. The accelerometer has an SPI
interface, and it can detect motion on three axes. By default, the INT2 line of the accelerometer is not
connected to nRF9160. If you want to use the INT2 line, solder SB5.
Figure 25: Low-power accelerometer and high-G accelerometer interrupt line 2 selection
4418_1336 v1.2