User guide

Appendix B - Instruction Properties B-11
Property Description
Number of rows in grid.
Default = True. If set to True, move in a serpentine pattern. If set to False,
begin each pass (across row or column) on same side of grid.
X Placement
X coordinates of first pattern placement.
Y Placement
Y coordinates of first pattern placement.
Z Placement
Z coordinates of first pattern placement.
Description: Allows the programmer to pause a program and display a message on the screen while
waiting for user input. Can be used with stand alone systems to pause program while board is flipped.
Property Description
Pause Message
Message string.
Place Pattern
Description: Places (executes) a pattern at the specified coordinates. Used to nest patterns: one pattern
can execute another pattern.
Property Description
Pattern Name
Name of pattern to execute. In drop-down list, patterns in program are listed
first, then patterns in currently loaded macro program.
Degrees to rotate pattern (positive is counterclockwise).
X Placement
X coordinate to place pattern.
Y Placement
Y coordinate to place pattern.
Z Placement
Z coordinate to place pattern.
Position Verify
Description: Sends the robot back to the home position to check its position against the limit switches. If
the limit switches are not in the expected position, the error procedure named in the instruction property is
executed. If no error procedure is specified, or the error procedure cannot be found, production is stopped
and an error message is displayed. Errors are logged, along with the axis that failed. Use this instruction
to ensure precision dispensing, by inserting it into a periodic procedure or at the end of a product
Property Description
Error Procedure
Name of procedure to execute if position verify fails.