User's Manual

302UM0017 Rev 01 PD230 Enhanced Detector User Manual Page 10 of 37
Channel1 Channel 2
S6 S5 S4 S3
Off Off Off Off High
On Off On Off Medium-High
Off On Off On Medium-Low
On On On On Low
3.2.3 Automatic Sensitivity Boost
Automatic sensitivity boost is a mode which alters the undetect level of the detector. This mode is
selected by switch No. 7 on the front of the enclosure and is set as follows: -
Off Disabled
On Enabled
Automatic sensitivity boost causes the sensitivity to be boosted to a maximum on detection of the
vehicle, and maintained at this level during the presence of the entire vehicle over the loop. When
the vehicle departs the loop and detection is lost the sensitivity reverts to the pre-selected level.
3.2.4 Presence Time
The presence time may be set to permanent presence or to limited presence. In permanent
presence mode the detector will continuously compensate for all environmental changes whilst there
is a vehicle present over the loop. In limited presence mode there will be a finite time that the
detector will remain in detect. This time is dependent on the change of inductance that the vehicle
caused. The presence mode is set with switch No. 8 and is set as follows: -
Off Limited Presence
On Permanent Presence
3.2.5 Pulse / Presence
The channel’s relay may be set to either Pulse Mode or Presence Mode with switches No. 9 & No.
10 as shown in the table below: -
Channel1 Channel 2
S10 S9
Off Off Presence
On On Pulse
3.2.6 Reset Switch
The detector automatically tunes to the inductive loops connected to it when power is applied,
whether on initial installation or after any break in the power supply. Should it be necessary to
retune the detector, as may be required after the changing of any switch selections or after moving
the detector from one installation to another, momentary operation of the RESET switch will initiate
the automatic tuning cycle.