User's Manual

302UM0017 Rev 01 PD230 Enhanced Detector User Manual Page 34 of 37
For Technical support please fill in the form below and send it to your supplier. It is
recommended that at installation you complete this form as a record of the Installation. If
there is a problem later on you can identify what has changed.
For locating faults in “Nortech Inductive Loop Vehicle Detector” installations it is highly recommended
that you use the DU100 DIAGNOSTICS UNIT. Please refer to the DU100 user manual Doc. No.
895UM0001 for details of how to operate the DU100.
Contact Details:- Your Name: ____________________________________________
Your company: ___________________________________________________________________
Telephone No. _______________________ Mobile/Cellphone No. _________________________
FAX No. ____________________________ Email Address
Postal address: ____________________________________
Product Model (i.e. PD234) ________________________ Product FT No. 302FT_____________
Product Serial Number: ___________________________
Site Name: _____________________________________ Detector No.
(at the site)
: ______________
What are the settings of the switches on the front of the unit ON or OFF
Switch 1 ___________ (FREQ Frequency)
Switch 2 ___________ (FREQ Frequency)
Switch 3 ___________ (SENS Sensitivity Channel 2)
Switch 4 ___________ (SENS Sensitivity Channel 2)
Switch 5 ___________ (SENS Sensitivity Channel 1 )
Switch 6 ___________ (SENS Sensitivity Channel 1)
Switch 7 ___________ (ASB Automatic Sensitivity Boost)
Switch 8 ___________ (PRES Presence Limited or Permanent)
Switch 9 ___________ (PULSE/PRES Pulse or Presence Channel 2)
Switch 10 ___________ (PULSE/PRES Pulse or Presence Channel 1)
What is the position of the internal link:(Pin 1 to 2 OR Pin 2 to 3 OR Open)? ____________________
(refer to section 3.3 above for functions of this link)
What application is this unit used in (short description)______________________________________