User's Manual

Away Mode
Away Mode is for arming the system when everyone will be leaving the premises. Away Mode
arms all sensor-protected perimeter doors and windows, interior motion sensors, interior glass break
sensors, and any other sensor-protected interior doors. The premises must be unoccupied while the
system is armed. Away Mode is typically used for arming the system during the daytime hours in a
residential installation, and non-business hours in a commercial installation.
When the system is armed in Away Mode, you cannot move about the premises without triggering
the burglary alarm (if the system is installed with interior motion detectors). An alarm will also occur
if any sensor-protected door or window is opened or glass breakage is detected (if glass breakage
detectors are installed in your system).
Exit and Entry Delays in Away Mode
Certain sensors, such as the front door, can be setup by your installer to have a delay before triggering
an alarm. This provides a way for an authorized person to exit and reenter the premises without
triggering an alarm. The “ Exit Delay” allows time to leave after arming the system. The “ Entry Delay”
allows time to disarm the system before an alarm is triggered.
When arming the system in Away Mode, an “Entry Delay” option check box is shown on the Control
Panel’s Arming Screen. Normally this option check box is checked, so the programmed delay doors
allow time for disarming the system after the door is opened. Un-checking this option box removes
the delayed alarm trigger from all sensor-protected doors programmed for delay, causing those
entrances to instantly trigger the alarm if they are opened in Away Mode. With the Entry Delay
disabled, the system will have to be remotely disarmed with a wireless key fob before entering.
Exit Delay Restart
The Exit Delay Restart* option will extend the Exit Delay one time if you need to re-enter the
premises. With the Exit Delay Restart option, re-entering the premises after you have left, but
before the Exit Delay timer expires, will restart the Exit Delay timer, giving you the full length of
time to leave again. The restart option only works once, each time the system is armed.
Silent Exit in Away Mode
An option for silencing the exit delay beeps is also available when arming the system in Away Mode.
On the Control Panel’s Arming Screen, a “Silent Exit” option check box is shown. Checking this option
will stop the Control Panel from sounding beeps during the Exit Delay time, and it will double the
length of the Exit Delay. The option resets when the system is disarmed.
Quick Exit in Away Mode
A programmable option called “Quick Exit*” may be displayed on the Security Screen while the
system is armed in the Away Mode. Pressing the Quick Exit button starts a timer to allow someone
to exit or enter through a sensor-protected door programmed for delay without having to disarm the
entire system. When the delay timer runs out, the system returns to the normal Away Mode.
NOTE: If interior sensors are installed in the system in certain areas, do not violate
those sensors when using the Quick Exit feature in Away Mode.
Auto Stay Mode
The system may have been programmed by the installer for “Auto Stay Mode*”. If this option is on
and the system is armed in Away Mode, if an exit/entry delay sensor is not triggered before the Exit
Delay expires (no one left the premises), the system automatically arms in Stay Mode instead of
Away Mode.
* These options can be turned on or off by your installer; refer to the “Installer Set Options” section
of this manual to see which options have been set for your system.
Burglary Protection