Water System User Manual

124 Chapter 8 RMON
2 Do one of the following:
Double-click on the selected port
From the shortcut menu, choose Graph.
From the Device Manager main menu, choose Graph.
The Graph Port dialog box opens with the Interface tab displayed (Figure 35
on page 76).
3 Click the RMON tab.
The RMON tab opens (Figure 58).
Figure 58 Port dialog box — RMON tab
For descriptions of the RMON tab fields, refer to Table 36 on page 95. For
descriptions of the statistics columns, refer to Table 10 on page 34.
Viewing history
Ethernet history records periodic statistical samples from a network. A sample is
called a history and is gathered in time intervals referred to as “buckets.”
Histories establish a time-dependent method for gathering RMON statistics on a
port. The default values for history are: